Category Archives: Federal Crimes

Federal Law Drug-Free School Zones in Virginia
Drug-free school zones are much like sex offender registration laws. The drug-free enhancement is designed to deter trafficking and other such activity near schools. But there’s almost no evidence that the deterrent is effective. Nevertheless, in addition to the state law prohibition, some federal prohibitions could apply as well. These prohibitions are significant because… Read More »

How Does Virginia Criminal Law Address Terrorism?
Even though many years have passed since September 11th, terrorism remains a hot button topic across the United States. Although it is generally prosecuted as a federal crime, acts and weapons of terrorism are also illegal under Virginia state law, punishable as a felony with severe criminal penalties. Defining Acts & Weapons of Terrorism… Read More »

5 Key Facets of the Legal Process for Federal Crimes
Unlike criminal conduct at the state level, which varies from state to state, federal crimes have a similar process across the United States. The following sections will provide an overview of five key facets of the legal process for federal crimes. Grand Jury In most federal criminal cases, a grand jury convenes to review… Read More »

Defense of Virginia State, and Federal, Racketeering Charges
In Baltimore, Maryland, seven police officers were recently charged with federal racketeering, fraud, and extortion, according to Vice News. The crimes that some of the seven Baltimore police officers are being accused of include stealing from suspected trap houses, robbing citizens of drugs and money at traffic stops, reporting overtime pay while at a… Read More »

Former Virginia County Republican Committee Chairman Charged With Child Pornography
Recently, Charles K. Young, a former James City County Republican Committee chairman, was arrested on child pornography charges. The prosecution alleges that Young received seven photos and three videos that depict sexually explicit conduct of boys under the age of 18. Child pornography is a serious crime in the United States and is one… Read More »
Federal Gun Laws
There are both federal and state laws related to guns and gun owners are responsible for following all of them. There are pages and pages of gun laws, and if you have any specific questions you should contact a knowledgeable weapons offenses attorney. Who Can Buy Firearms The Federal Gun Control Act of 1968… Read More »
Common Federal Crimes
Most of the time when someone commits a crime it will be prosecuted by the state where the crime is committed, though this is not always the case. Some crimes are federal crimes, which mean that the federal government can prosecute them. On its face it may not make much of a difference, but… Read More »
Federal Traffic and Criminal Cases
The DMV area (Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) has some unique features that can have a huge impact on people who receive traffic tickets or are charged with crimes. One anomaly is that anyone charged with crimes on federal property, including the George Washington Parkway, will be charged with a federal crime. Federal vs…. Read More »
Common Interstate Crimes
There are many different kinds of federal offenses, including interstate crimes. Most of the crimes that come to mind when we think of crimes, like homicide, robbery, or larceny, are generally state crimes, which means that the state is the one doing the prosecuting. However, there are some crimes and offenses that the federal… Read More »
What You Should Know About Lying to a Federal Officer
It is a crime to lie to a federal officer even if you are not the target of the original investigation. To be sure, there are certain considerations that all people should understand about the federal crime of lying to a federal officer; remaining aware of this can help you protect your rights should… Read More »