Virginia Law to Fine Slow Drivers?

We all know about speeding violations, careless driving, and reckless driving behaviors in Virginia. These actions are unlawful because they are unsafe and put everyone’s lives at risk. But is it dangerous to drive too slow? Slow drivers are normally seen as being cautious and prudent. However, a new Virginia bill that could potentially become law is being considered to place a fine on drivers going too slow in the passing lane on highways. If you have been charged with any type of traffic offense, an experienced lawyer can help to have those charges dropped to keep your record clean. By accumulating too many points on your driver’s license, you may become in jeopardy of having it revoked for a lengthy period of time. Do not let small or large infractions go by unchallenged. Reach out to the experienced Virginia attorneys at Simms Showers LLP for legal assistance today.
$250 Fine For Driving Too Slowly in the Left Hand Lane
House Bill Number 2201 is awaiting a final vote after making its way through the Virginia General Assembly, according to NBC 12 News. The bill, which is sponsored by Virginia Delegate Israel O’Quinn (R), and co-sponsored by Sen. Scott Surovell (D) and Del. Kaye Kory (D), would impose a $250 fine on drivers blocking the fast left hand passing lane, if it becomes law. Currently, Virginia has a similar law in place. Virginia statute 46.2-842.1 states that it is unlawful to, “fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway,” and that a violation can be construed as negligence in a civil tort. However, the fine for not moving to the right to allow passing traffic is up to $250, and the new law would change it to a mandatory $250.
Reason for New Law: Safety and Reducing Traffic Congestion
According to traffic experts, the reason for imposing this new penalty is to decrease road rage, confusion, congestion, and collisions. Furthermore, if the left passing lane is blocked by a slower-moving vehicle, it may cause other drivers behind to impatiently pass on the right, which is dangerous because left-lane drivers, and other drivers in the center lanes if there are any, do not expect this and may not be looking out for it. Additionally, Virginia lawmakers expect that this new impetus to keep clear of the left lane will improve traffic flow and cut down on congestion, which, of course, is a problem in nearly every city and state, including Leesburg.
Call a Loudoun County, Leesburg, Winchester, Fairfax, and Prince William Attorney Today
If you have been charged with a traffic violation of any kind, call the Loudoun County, Leesburg, Winchester, Fairfax, and Prince William attorneys of Simms Showers, LLP today at 703-997-7821.
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