Monthly Archives: October 2024

Can You Expunge DUI in Virginia?
Maybe. Three primary expungement avenues are available, as outlined below. Expungement is the criminal records equivalent of a delete key. wiping out all law enforcement, judicial, and other records related to a criminal conviction. Record sealing is like White-Out (if you’re under fifty and you don’t know what that is you can Google it)…. Read More »

Speeding Ticket Defenses in Northern Virginia
High speeding ticket fines, court costs, and other add-ons are only the direct costs. A single speeding ticket could increase auto insurance rates over 80 percent. Especially if you’re already in a high-risk category (young driver, bad driving record, etc.), one speeding ticket could effectively take you off the road. Traffic school is usually… Read More »

How Likely is Jail Time for the First DUI in Virginia?
Not very much, unless one of the four aggravating factors discussed below applies to the case. Additional jail time is particularly likely in the first two situations. Other enhancements, such as a prior DUI conviction, also apply. But since this enhancement changes a first-time DUI into a second one, we won’t discuss it in… Read More »

Long Arm of the Law Nabs Murder Defendant
Peace officers in Palm Coast, Florida, stopped a 43-year-old man for running a stop sign and arrested him on an outstanding murder warrant from Virginia. The defendant had been living in Palm Coast since 2022, according to the sheriff’s office. He was in the Flagler County jail Friday awaiting extradition to Virginia on charges… Read More »

Resolving Reckless Matters in Virginia
Traffic enforcement dropped off almost everywhere during 2020 coronavirus lockdowns. However, in Virginia, that 2020 drop was part of a long-term trend. Since 2018, traffic enforcement has dropped 20 percent in Virginia. Probably not coincidentally, the number of fatal crashes has increased by nearly the same amount during this period. Many police officers are… Read More »

Gun-Free Zones in Virginia
Loudoun County has unusually restrictive gun laws. For instance, no one can carry a loaded semi-automatic weapon in public, if the weapon has a silencer, a folding stock, or a magazine holding more than twenty rounds. Additionally, shotguns with magazines that can hold more than seven rounds are also restricted. . These rules apply… Read More »

DUI Penalties in Virginia: Breaking it Down
Until around 1990, DUI laws in Virginia and most other states were quite weak. In fact, DUI was basically an enhanced traffic ticket. Furthermore, because of the way the law was worded, DUIs were hard to prove in court. For these reasons, DUI enforcement was weak as well. Today, things are different. The laws… Read More »

Sterling Carjacking Suspect in Custody
Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 21-year-old man in connection with a carjacking that killed a 54-year-old woman. Sheriff’s deputies responded to a carjacking in the 21000 block of Towncenter Plaza. Authorities said the victim and car owner, a 54-year-old Maryland woman, was struck by the stolen vehicle as the suspect fled the scene. She was… Read More »