Monthly Archives: June 2024

If Drugs Were in the Car, Am I Guilty of Possession?
Not necessarily. Proximity is the major element in a Section 18.2-250 or related matter. However, it’s only one of three elements of possession. The other two are outlined below. The state must establish all three elements beyond any reasonable doubt. So, essentially, prosecutors must amass an overwhelming amount of evidence on each point. Two… Read More »

What Happens After I Plead Guilty to a DUI?
For one thing, after you plead guilty to a DUI, the bills keep coming. In most cases, these individuals must obtain high-risk SR-22 insurance and keep it for at least three years. SR-22 insurance is usually at least three times higher than other forms of auto insurance. So, if your auto insurance is already… Read More »

The FTC Slams the Brakes on Non-Compete Agreements: What Employers Need to Know
By Kyle Winey, Esq and Robert Showers, Esq In a landmark regulatory decision, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took a decisive step toward protecting worker mobility by banning most non-compete agreements. This ruling, effective 120 days after its publication in the Federal Register (likely around late summer 2024), significantly impacts employers’ ability to restrict… Read More »

Lawmakers Tout Success of Operation Ceasefire
Attorney General Jason Miyares says the Commonwealth’s lower crime rate is due, in large part, to heightened enforcement efforts like Operation Ceasefire. “Roughly 3 to 5 percent of felons are committing over 50 percent of the violent crime. So, if you want to bring down crime, you have to go to those violent, repeat… Read More »

Top Five Non-Moving Traffic Violations in Virginia
The Virginia traffic code mostly penalizes moving violations, like speeding and turning illegally. These traffic offenses usually have large fines and significant points. Non-moving violations, like the ones listed below, are usually fix-it tickets. Generally, the judge dismisses the case if the driver resolves the issue before the court date or before a court-ordered… Read More »

Virginia Gun Laws and Location Restrictions
In recent years, gun possession laws in Virginia have changed significantly, and the laws are still in a state of flux. Likewise, location restrictions have changed significantly and will likely change again at least once. But we’ll break down these restrictions as they exist as of May 2024. The penalties for carrying a weapon… Read More »

Top Five DUI Enhancements in Virginia
Usually, prosecutors file the most aggressive charges the facts could possibly support, and DUI is no exception. Virginia law includes various DUI enhancements, some of which are discussed below. Usually, a Virginia DUI lawyer is much more concerned with the underlying offense than any attached enhancements. After all, if the underlying charge doesn’t hold… Read More »